Fillmore! is a series created by Scott M. Gimple produced by Walt Disney Television Animation for ABC, and later was run on Disney Channel, Toon Disney, and Disney XD. It parodied police dramas of the 70s. It follows middle school student and former delinquent, Cornelius Fillmore, who solves cases with his partner, Ingrid Third, as members of the Safety Patrol at X Middle School.
Of Slain Kings on Checkered Fields (Season 1, Episode 12)
Joyce Summit hounds Fillmore throughout the episode, trying to get him to compete against her in a Sloppy Joe eating contest. When he finally accepts, he beats her soundly, and she falls backwards, overstuffed.
The Shreds Fell like Snowflakes (Season 2, Episode 2)
Vallejo has Fillmore and Ingrid try to enlist his old partner, Frank Bishop, to help on a case. When they meet, Frank is shown to have gained a notable amount of weight during his time away from the safety patrol due to a lifestyle of pizza, juice, and playing video games. Flashbacks and old photos show him at his smaller size before he got kicked out of the safety patrol, and an article on his wall proves that he is aware of his gain and looked into getting into shape again.