Club Penguin

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Club Penguin
Genre Massively Multiplayer Online
Platform PC
Developer New Horizon Interactive
RocketSnail Games
Disney Interactive Studios
Country United States
Release date October 24, 2005

Club Penguin was a massively multiplayer online game founded by Lance Priebe and co-founded by Lane Merrifield and Dave Krysko as New Horizon Interactive. Originally built on SmartFoxServer, it had a public Beta Testing that launched on August 22, 2005, and was officially launched on October 24, 2005. It was later bought by Disney on August 1, 2007. On March 30, 2017, it was shut down to make way for its successor, Club Penguin Island. It was a virtual world that took place on a snowy island where players played as penguins, and featured many games, many rooms, pets known as puffles, and regular parties. It was specifically designed for players within the ages of 6-14, thus child safety was a vital responsibility of the developers.


When fed bubblegum, the Red Puffle would swallow their bubble, causing them to blow up and deflate like a balloon.

The orange puffle would also inhale their gum bubble, but sustained their inflated form longer, gently floating upwards until the bubble suddenly bursts.


Orange Puffle's Tasty Cartoon Short

Orange Puffle devours the entire pizza box.

Coloring Pages

Orange Puffle inflates.