Aladdin is a film series created by Walt Disney which its first film was released on 1992, had a sequel called The Return Of Jafar, and a prequel called Aladdin and the king of thieves, it also got a TV series released on 1994 and got a live-action version of the movie in 2019.
Genie jiggles his belly to make it bigger, lifts it up, and then asks Aladdin if he looks different to him.
The King of Thieves
In the intro, Genie as a pig, bloats up before he bursts into confetti.
TV Series
Which Way Did She Go?
Genie drank a lot of water from a bowl to take down a snake made out of sand.
Of Ice and Men
Genie takes a deep breath causing him to inflate to blow off a spirit.
Moonlight Madness
Genie pumps himself turning into a huge balloon to block the moon.
Air Feathered Friends
Genie gets inflated from a pump having the Magic Rug pump him up.
Caught by the Tale
Abis Mal is telling a story about Aladdin, and alters the story to make Aladdin fat and weak.