Robotboy is a British/French cartoon series that was created by Jan Van Rijsselberge and broadcasted on Cartoon Network from 2005 to 2008. The show's premise is about a newly developed defense robot, aptly named Robotboy, who is placed in the care of a 10-year old boy named Tommy Turnbull in order to learn about being a real boy.
Don't Fight It (S01E26b)
One of Dr. Kamikazi's squid monsters expands gradually after being hit by Robtoboy until his size becomes too large and he explodes.
Up a Tree (S03E04b)
The kids build a tree house using spare robot parts to add extra features to entertain them. Including a food dispenser for Gus and a smoothie maker for Tommy. Both boys end up bloated when the tree house's computer starts force-feeding them during the episode's climax.
Cheezy Fun for Everyone (S04E04b)
The kids become trapped in a blob of cheese, which Gus then eats in order to free them.