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Catscratch is a Nickelodeon cartoon series created by Doug TenNapel, known for his work on Earthworm Jim, and loosely based on his graphic novel Gear. It aired from May 2005 to February 2007. The series' premise focuses on Mr. Blik, Waffle and Gordon Quid, three wealthy cat brothers left with a monster truck and a butler after their owner's death.
To the Moon (S01E01a)
Waffle inflates Gordon with water while trying to put out a fire, which turned out to be Mr. Blik attempting to cook ribs.
King of All Root Beer (S01E03b)
Mr. Blik is turned into a parade float rather than being allowed to ride one, leading to all three cats having a fight as giant balloons.
Mr. Pickles (S01E04b)
Gordon stuffs himself with cupcakes after Mr. Blik has left.
Requiem for a Cat (S01E09a)
Gordon and Waffle appear with bloated stomachs at the vet.