Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

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Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production
Genre Comedy
Production company Warner Bros. Animation
Country United States
Original run September 21, 2015 - present
[[Wikipedia: Wikipedia]]

Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production (later known as New Looney Tunes since 2018) is a slapstick cartoon comedy series created by Warner Brothers Studios and is currently airing on Cartoon Network and Boomerang.

The TV series is a reboot of the Looney Tunes cartoon series but, this time with it being mostly centered around Bugs Bunny and occasionally his squirrel friend, Squeaks who was freshly introduced in this iteration of the Looney Tunes Cartoons. This cartoon was said to be a follow up from the Looney Tunes Show, stating that Bugs Bunny had left the suburban life and returned to the wild.

Wabbit reaches back to the former roots of the original Looney Tunes cartoons by bringing back more of their original characters such as Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote and more as well as making each episode 6 minutes long rather than being traditionally 11 minutes long like most cartoons of today.

Now And Zen (S01E01b)

Squeaks fills up with nuts that Bugs uses as ammunition against the ninjas.

Trunk with Power (S01E17b)

In order for Bugs to reach an airport, he must traverse through a haunted forest and deal with an evil living tree that purposely stole his luggage and refused to return it to him. Later on in the episode, Bugs outsmarted the tree and used a leaf blower to inflate the tree making him float away. By the end of the episode the tree returned once again to delay Bugs' flight by purposely hovering in front of the plane so it wouldn't be able to take off.

Dust Bugster (S01E19b)

Bugs gets a pot-belly while binge-watching a TV series.

Appropiate Technology (S01E32b)

Wile E. is shown with a big gut for most of the episode from inactivity.

Thirst Things First (S01E35a)

During the episode, Bugs Bunny tries to go after a water drop that tries to avoid being drank. Near the end of the episode, once the water drop fights back and turns into a rainy cloud, it forces Bugs to drink a lot of water, making him look very bloated and, eventually, turning him into a falling water drop on a sink, until he wakes up.

Sir Little Chin, Unicorn Hunter (S01E40a)

  • Squeak got Fat.png
  • B3089614-6B67-4E6D-92DB-CE6C333C3421.png
  • 8809A62E-6BA4-4DA0-AE8F-70120F6952C2.png
  • Porky's Duck-livery Service (S01E52a)

    Daffy tries to escape and annoy Porky by jumping in a nearby ice cream truck and filling him with ice cream. Porky grows giant and grabs Daffy but he deflates Porky like a balloon from his bellybutton.

    Wahder, Wahder, Everywhere (S02E06b)

    Daffy fills Elmer up with mud when Elmer tries to unclog a hose with his mouth.

    Timmmmmmbugs (S02E12b)

    Bugs Bunny bloats up Blacque Jacque Shellacque with a lot of poutine and syrup, during one of their lumberjack challenges.

    Easter Bunny Imposter (S02E13a)

    The three scouts are shown to have big engorged bellies from eating too much Easter candy left out in a trap set by Bugs.

    One Carroter in Search of an Artist (S02E24a)

    An animator (who is revealed to be Daffy in the end) gives Bugs a giant belly.

    Duck Duck Ghost (S02E29b)

    When Marvin Comes Martian (S02E30b)

    After Daffy uses Marvin's replicater to make a lot of cookies, he gets rid of them by eating all of them.

    It's Snout or Never (S03E37a)

    One of the spells Porky reads from a spell book causes Witch Hazel to inflate.

    Out of Towner Alien Encounter (S03E49a)

    Marvin eats a big steak.

    Looney Tunes

    Shorts: Looney Tunes | Merrie Melodies | Webtoons
    Films: Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Space Jam | Tweety's High-Flying Adventure
    TV series: Looney Tunes shows and specials | Tiny Toon Adventures | Animaniacs | The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries | Baby Looney Tunes | Duck Dodgers | Loonatics Unleashed | The Looney Tunes Show | Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production
    Comics: Looney Tunes (comics)

    The Loonies Part 1
    anonymous|Posted on Jul 19 at 9:41 pm|

    A shark swallows Daffy.

    Ponce de Calzone
    anonymous|Posted on Jul 19 at 9:41 pm|

    A mountain lion eats Calzone.

    anonymous|Posted on Nov 8 at 1:59 pm|

    A shark got swallowed whole Inez

    Cold Medal Wabbit
    anonymous|Posted on Feb 17 at 10:41 pm|

    Bugs makes Cal eat a lot of stew.

    Gold Medal Wabbit
    anonymous|Posted on Feb 17 at 10:39 pm|

    Bugs makes Cal eat a bunch of fried chicken.

    Tweet Team part 1
    anonymous|Posted on Feb 5 at 10:41 pm|

    Speedy Gonzales eats a piece of cheese.

    anonymous|Posted on Aug 10 at 9:38 pm|

    Bugs inflates two of the men’s hazmat suits.