Someone's in the Kitchen!

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Someone's in the Kitchen!
MV5BZjU4ZTM0OWQtMjNkYi00MzJkLWE3ODYtNThmZDJhNjdiMTM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzUwMTgwMw@@. V1 FMjpg UX1000 .jpg
Genre Educational
Platform Windows
Developer DreamWorks Interactive L.L.C.
Country United States
Release date 1996

Someone's in the Kitchen! is a kitchen simulator video game developed by now-defunct DreamWorks Interactive. The player's goal is to create various foods in a cookbook, aided by talking kitchen appliances and the chef's hat C.A. After a recipe is completed, the dog Taste Test IV will eat what was made. There is also a mode where the player can experiment with ingredients.

After Taste Test eats well-made food, one of his possible reactions is to become fat for a little bit.

The calendar's page for November has a picture of everyone gathered for a Thanksgiving meal, with Taste Test having already eaten the turkey.