DuckTales (2017)
DuckTales is an animated reboot of the original Disney cartoon series of the same name which originally aired in 1987. This adaptation was produced by Matt Youngberg and Francisco Angones, and began airing in August 2017 on Disney XD before eventually shifting over to Disney Channel. In a modern continuity separate from the original series, the show's premise focuses on Donald Duck's nephews: Huey, Dewey, and Louie (each of which now have more distinct and separate personalities) going on daring adventures with their cunning and swashbuckling grand-uncle Scroodge McDuck, often in the pursuit of treasure and riches while battling adversaries and learning life-lessons along the way.
Timephoon! (S02E21)
Huey lures Bubba the cave-duck into the foyer with chili-dogs to study his anachronistic affinity for them. Bubba briefly winds up stuffed after eating the entire pile Huey left out.
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