Yowamushi Pedal
Yowamushi Pedal is a manga series created by Wataru Watanabe. It was also adapted into an anime series and films. It revolves around Sakamichi Onoda, an otaku who just entered high school and doesn't want to repeat the same mistake of having no friends that he did in middle school. After a failure at joining the school's anime club after its disbanding, he is later scouted by the Sohoku bicycle club thanks to an uncanny display of cycling skills.
Izumida's Pride (S02E12)
In the bonus scene after the credits, the Sohoku bicycle club go to an okonomiyaki restaurant and take on a massive food challenge for a free meal, but fail with Onoda bloating up.
Trouble! (S03E12)
Aoyagi copies one of Tadakoro's techniques and becomes a "Supersonic Oxygen Human Bullet Aoyagi Train", inhaling copious amounts of air and swelling himself in the process.