Hey, guys. I might just found a video from the comic review of Yooka-Laylee and the Kracklestone. And this guy shows off Laylee has gain weight or something, but I thought it is an interesting find. Here’s the link to the video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HQG27iiTXUY&pp=ygUfeW9va2EtbGF5bGVlICYgdGhlIGtyYWNrbGVzdG9uZQ%3D%3D. The scene where he shows of the page starts at 6:31 and ends at 6:44. What do you think?
This looks like a good find, but this source isn't valid. Luckily, Steam has the digital version as DLC for Impossible Lair and the entire series has a massive sale right now. So, I went ahead and picked up the Book since I already own both games.
However, I have yet to play either game and we don't have a page on this series. I'm going to assume that no one covered it yet and that I should look through the games as well.