I remember on the old site there was a couple suggestions to pick a different name for this site even though I know bigcartoon will stay the url and PukupukuDragon said that would be okay to bring up after the new site is open. I was thinking people could suggest things here or maybe vote even if nothing changes
I like the logo a lot so think a small change like Big Fat Cartoon Wiki might be good, its still simple and catchy but says what it means.
Its because heres already The Big Cartoon Database which is famous and old https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Big_Cartoon_DataBase and uses Big to mean the database is big not that the cartoons are big, people might think this is like that. If this site is only focusing on inflation and gain and nothing else it shouldnt have a name that could mean any kind of Big. That could make it confusing for people wondering why macro or head inflation isnt here or something . I know the site is new but the name should be something that can be googled a little easier so it comes up
Posted by Samuraipizzakratt on 19 February 2019 at 01:11. Edited by Samuraipizzakratt on 19 February 2019 at 01:21. |