Forum - Sightings during Brainiac

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Overview > Community > Expansion Sightings > Sightings during Brainiac Write a reply

What's the site's policies for animations connected to educational youtube channels? the channel called Brainiac ( has a few instances where the animated characters expand, and while I'm keeping track myself, i wasnt 100% sure if they are accepted here.

Videos that i've watched with expansion/WG include -"What if you only ate bacon for three months" -"How Long Can You Hold In Your Farts Before You Blow Up" -"You Can Eat Junk Food Everyday Without Getting Fat" -"How Dangerous Is It To Hold In Your Burps?" -The thumbnail of "What If An Obese Person Stopped Eating For A Year" -"What If You ONLY Eat Chips For 10 Years Straight"

(I do plan on adding them myself, but i want confirmation before i do so, and if someone beats me to adding them, which is likely, more power to 'em!)

Posted by Verzisphere on 28 March 2020 at 19:55.

We've already got Kurzgesagt and those things with the squirrels listed, so yes, I'd say there's precedent.

Posted by Morbiose on 28 March 2020 at 20:10.

oh cool, thanks! I'll add them to my to-do list.

Posted by Verzisphere on 28 March 2020 at 21:23.

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