I know it's against the rules about not making a thread that isn't animation expansion but I wanna talk about this. Everytime I go on 80s/90s videos on Cartoons or Anime,I see degenerate comments. There always "the good old days of anime/cartoons", back when they "cared", and modern animes/cartoons can never top 90s animes/cartoons. Stuff like this pisses me off and makes the video so unwatchable. To make myself feel better I called them a boomer because that's what they sound like.
90s Nostalgia Tards never appreciate the good anime and cartoons that comes out. You have good modern stuff but then the 90s anime/cartoons entitlist don't appreciate it and just say something stupid. They also bash on actually good remakes, reboots, and sequels for some dumb reason. Oh yeah they don't believe in bad animes and cartoons from that time when there are, Bennett the Sage's Anime Anarchy videos because alot of them are 90s animes and they are not good. It also doesn't help most 90s animes are mediocre/bad/incomplete adaptions of mangas way more better and worth reading.
Don't get me I like Cartoons and anime old and new but I just get sick and tired of seeing stupid comments on many media sites. I know people can there own opinions but It crosses the line for me when they say companies only care money, can't admit there are Modern stuff that can be 10x better than stuff from the 80s/90s, and etc.
-Anonymous User
Posted by on 21 November 2020 at 03:13. |