Folktales from Japan

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Folktales from Japan (otherwise known as: Hometown Rebuilding: Folktales from Japan) is an anime TV series produced by Tomason that originally began airing on TV Tokyo from April 2012 to March 2017. A continuation of the series was produced under the name Hometown Visiting: Folktales from Japan and was released from April 2017 until March 2018. As the name implies, the show’s episodes consist of animated adaptations of various stories from Japanese folklore with each episode telling a different story in a unique style of animation.

Render the Fat (S1E106a)

A lazy man dreams of a house where he can eat as much food as he wants without ever having to work or pay for it. He gains weight from the excessive eating and after discovering the owner of the house plans to render his fat by dangling him over a fire, attempts to escape.

Kicchomu-san the Sharp (S2E06b)

The episode tells a collection of short stories about a renowned and cunning trickster named Kicchomu. The first of which is when, as a kid, he was asked by a man to watch his persimmon tree incase other children showed up to eat from it. Kicchomu cleverly finds a loophole in that the man didn’t say anything about preventing children from eating the persimmons.