Despicable Me (series)
Despicable Me is a franchise owned by Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, originally created by Sergio Pablos. It started with its first film in 2010, gaining sequels and prequels, as well as short films and merchandise. The series follows the supervillain Gru, his army of Minions, his adopted daughters Margo, Edith, and Agnes, and friend Dr. Nefario.
Despicable Me
While the Minions are at the store getting Agnes a toy unicorn, Phil finds a bottle of soda and shakes it too much. He tries to stop the flow with his mouth.
Despicable Me 2
After Kevin has been mutated by PX-41, El Macho demonstrates his indestructibility. This includes dropping a bomb on the Minion, who eats it and briefly inflates from the explosion.
Mower Minions
At the end of the short, the Minions are full after eating banana shakes from the blender they bought from mowing the lawn.
Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem
One of the failed results of Gru's Minion Gun, which turns humans into Minions, is someone who was turned into a bloated Minion.