Card Captor Sakura
Cardcaptor Sakura is an anime created by Studio Clamp, with it's original run being from 1996 to 2000. It follows the story of a girl, Sakura Kinomoto(Sakura Avalon in the english dubbed version) after she finds a mysterious book in her father's study, opens it, and scatters magical cards throughout the city. It's her job, along with Keroberos(the guardian of the cards and book) to gather them all before a great calamity befalls the city.
Episode 35 - Sakura's Wonderful Christmas
Kero is eating a cake about as big as he is and gets a large belly from taking a bite.
Episode 57 - Sakura, Xiaolong, and the Elevator
In a flashback, Sakura is talking about how Yukito brought over a giant bag of cookies that wouldn't even fit on the table, only to have Kero eat it all off screen, becoming rather spherical in the process.
Episode 58 - Sakura and the Double-Trouble
Sakura gave Kero a crab croquette at the end of the episode, and he falls back on his bed with a full stomach.
Episode 62 - Sakura and the Mysterious Fortune
Sakura snuck Kero a new years feast and some peach manju. He devours the manju that's almost as big as he is in one bite as it comically makes its way to his stomach.
Episode 70 - Sakura and Her True Feelings
Kero force feeds Spinel biscuits