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Here is the first in a pair of lists of expansions that aren’t on this wiki.

First up, let’s take a look back at 2022’s DC League of Superpets. One of the characters in the film is a pig named PB who can make herself big or small depending on the situation. When the Superpets are attacked by Whiskers, they try to hide in a car, hoping he’ll probably leave them alone. But PB, who starts to get worried, expands herself to the point where she looks like an overinflated blimp. She remains this way until Krypto ensures her that everything will be fine. Also, an earlier scene has a heartbroken Krypto eating a ton of ice cream, unaware of Superman being held hostage by Lulu. One scene shows him extremely chubby.

Next, we’re gonna take a look at something that was made earlier this year. HouseBroken’s 2nd Season began in December of 2022 with 2 Christmas-related episodes. However, none of them have expansion scenes in them (Chico Hulking Out does not count). However, we do get some in the 3rd episode (Who’s Obsessed? (A Lifetime Original): - The first one is at the start of the episode and involves Chief explaining to Honey that he is overweight and needs to work out more. - The second one is not so much of a weight gain scenario but a weight loss one. Chico, a fat cat who serves as one of the side characters on the show, comes across a flea who brings over some other fleas and they all start having a party on Chico. When Chico goes to Honey’s group with them, he gets kicked out due to a flea protocol. While walking home, the fleas convince Chico to go into the woods and fetch some ticks. Later in the episode, we see the fleas and ticks have drank up most of Chico’s Blood to the point where he looks like a deflated balloon. When his friend, The Gray One, comes over, he decides to take Chico to his place to get rid of the fleas. How does he do it, you might be asking, by pushing into a swimming pool full of chemicals that take out fleas and ticks. When Chico comes out, he is starting to get chubby again (for some reason) but is now hairless and by the end of the episode, he is starting to gain weight again.

Now, let’s take a look at a 10-year-old animated movie called The Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit. In one scene, the main character absorbs another character’s powers and his body inflates just like if he was a balloon.

Finally (for now), let’s take a look at the 20-year-old film, The Cat in The Hat. Though it’s all live-action, there are a lot of scenes made using computer animation. For instance, this one scene during The Dun Song shows the Cat drinking a bottle of milk unaware he is lactose intolerant. This results in his stomach ballooning and him belching out hairballs. This scene was done with CG.

Well, that was Part 1. Part 2 will be out very soon (at least I hope).

Posted by on 26 December 2023 at 21:30.

While the "Cat in The Hat" uses CGI to make this scene happen it doesn't count. This is because The Cat is still portrayed by a live-action actor during this moment. For it to count, there would either need to be a cut-away to an animated scene or he would have to have been fully CGI like the Goldfish.

Posted by Omb74 on 27 December 2023 at 07:15.

How about this? The 101 Dalmatian Street Episode “London, We Have a Problem” has not yet been covered on here. It features a scene where Hunter takes Dylan to his place and feeds him a ton of dog food. This results in Dylan getting a little pudgy.

Posted by DrUnderciever on 31 December 2023 at 22:15.

Posted by DrUnderciever on 31 December 2023 at 22:15.

»How about this? The 101 Dalmatian Street Episode “London, We Have a Problem” has not yet been covered on here. It features a scene where Hunter takes Dylan to his place and feeds him a ton of dog food. This results in Dylan getting a little pudgy.«

How many times has this been talked about???

Posted by Eggnog-Warrior on 1 January 2024 at 19:37.

Not many. They didn’t even include it on here.

Posted by DrUnderciever on 1 January 2024 at 19:58.

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