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MV5BY2JhZTFmOGYtNDYyZi00ZWJmLTlmMzUtZDg0Y2M1MDliYjk4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc4MDk2MzQ@. V1 .jpg
Genre Comedy
Developer Vaibhav Kumaresh
Production company Vaibhav Studios
Country India
Original run September 21, 2017 - present

Lamput is an Indian animated series made by Vaibhav Kumaresh for Cartoon Network India. It began as a number of 15-second shorts, but episodes grew longer as the show went on. The series revolves around Lamput, an orange, shapeshifting creature who escaped from a laboratory. Two doctors try to catch him to bring him back, but Lamput's ability usually helps him get away.

Lamput and the Elephant (S03E21)

A snake eats the baby elephant Lamput is helping.