Włatcy Móch

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Włatcy Móch - a polish cartoon that ran from 2008 to 2010. It is widely considered "Polish South Park", or "Southpark ripoff". The cartoon revolves around four boys and their everyday shenanigans. It was a massive fad in Poland in 2008.

S02E06 Radyjko Babci

Pani Frał (Ms.Frau) gets stuffed with dumplings.

S03E01 Próhnica

Czesio has to eat various inedible things to satisfy his "angry" man-eating cecum, ending up with a bloated stomach.

S03E06 Fluder

Andżelika (Angelica) gets chubbier when she gets injected with a syringe containing Czesio's lympocyte.

S04E06 Pździoszczoła i test z majzy

Boys swell up due to getting attacked by a wasp to skip a math test.

S04E010 Styl Brusliego

S05E07 Hłopaki Strażaki

In a spin on the Polish tale about the Wawel Dragon which burst due to drinking water from the river Vistula, the dragon actually appears, as the boys try to pop him - but he does not explode after drinking from a river, instead only putting out a nearby fire with his own urine.

S07E10 Rzeński Pjewjosnek

Anusiak gets stuffed after eating half of school food, because he is pregnant with an alien embryo in order to be the first male to give birth to a baby to get 1 million dolars Maślana wants to get from Rotschild.