The Croods: A New Age

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The Croods: A New Age
Genre Adventure
Directed by Joel Crawford
Production companies DreamWorks Animation
Release date November 25, 2020

The Croods: A New Age is an American computer animated film created and produced by DreamWorks Animation. The film is a direct sequel to the 2013 animated film The Croods and follows the titular prehistoric family on a new journey that introduces them to a more evolved and agriculturally-inclined family known as the Bettermans. Tension and conflict builds as the contrasting families struggle to co-exist together.

Upon discovering the Bettermans’ bounty of crops growing on their land, the Croods gorge themselves until they can’t eat anymore.

Later on as the families begin to fallout and argue over dinner, Grug admits that he broke Phil’s suspicious rule against eating any of the bananas; using his belly to show that he actually ate them all.

Finally, during the film’s credits sequence, Grug and Phil have a banana eating contest against Ugga and Hope, with the latter pair seemingly winning.

See Also

 the angry birds series