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There's an anime named "obake no holly" with an wg sequence on episode 183. Unfortunately, the only videos of this show are the opening intro. Although someone on BBw-chan found an image of said episode. If anyone can find resources of this episode, that would be great

Posted by on 19 September 2021 at 04:38.

At this point, it's probably lost media. As far as I know, the show has 3 instances of weight gain (maybe more given how candy-centric it is) and another episode was on the old tumblr, but 183 probably has the more notable sequence.

Posted by on 19 September 2021 at 20:27.

Where did you find info on the other 2 weight gain and I assume when you say old tumblr, that most likely means the episode has been terminated?

Posted by on 20 September 2021 at 00:31.

The old tumblr was the Fudge Yeah page. It used to have a post of the show but it was about the main witch’s friend. I don’t remember much about the post besides that the character had orange hair and that she was fat in the beginning and ended up skinny by the end.

The other two instances was one where the main witch slightly, but noticeably gains weight and it lasts until the end of the episode where she goes on a diet and loses the weight. It wasn’t as fleshed out as it was for episode 183. Then, the second instance involved one of the monsters expanding but I don’t remember how or what for.

It’s been a while since I saw these episodes, so my memory is super vague. They should exist somewhere, but you wouldn’t find it on any English site. NHK is notorious for not making their older anime readily available, so who knows when/if they would ever release it again. Seeing as how its a children’s show, you wont find many people willing to get a VHS rip of it and upload it to the internet. Only thing we can do is wait :/.

Sorry for the long post lol, I’ve been trying to find the episodes for like 6 years now so I wanna spread the gospel to as many people as I can.

Posted by on 20 September 2021 at 01:50.

Hopefully someone looking at this thread can find some info. Also thanks for telling me this, can you describe episode 183 in good detail because the image I uploaded is all i can base it off of.

Posted by on 20 September 2021 at 11:41.

I’ve never seen it but there was someone who described what happened, so I’m going off of their account. The main witch eats a ton of stuff from a restaurant and gets fat. I’m not sure how the story progresses from there. I think she drinks a potion that allows her to eat as much as she wants without gaining weight and it backfires. Chances are the actual episode is way different, but it ends up with her getting fat, regardless.

Posted by on 20 September 2021 at 18:16.

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