Does anyone have any lost media sightings involving expansion? The Ones I know and remember of was of Looney Tunes's Issue 56 (supposed Inflation panel/page featuring Barnyard Dawg), Beep Beep it's the Road Runner (might be in one of the missing issues since I couldn't find it in ComicOnline or its clone sites. (Wil.e Gains weight and is seen to be "The World's Fattest Coyote". Only pic is the one in the Unknown category) and LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) 1995's last episode “Eleven minutes of fame” (another Supposed Inflation scene).
I wasn't sure if I wanted to put these here or Sightings since it's mostly lost and hard to find currently.
Posted by Eggnog-Warrior on 27 September 2021 at 02:36. Edited by Eggnog-Warrior on 28 September 2021 at 00:54. |