The Twisted Whiskers Show
The Twisted Whiskers Show is a Canadian-French-American animated comedy series based on the Twisted Whiskers greeting cards created by Terrill Bohlar for American Greetings.
Fish Market Frenzy (E02)
Von Ripper guards the fish against Dine and Dash, one of his methods for keeping them away is inflating them with helium.
Bubble Trouble (E16)
Dine and Dash attempted to catch a mouse after a woman hires them to get rid of the rodent. When the cats found him in a plastic ball, during their attempts to get him out, Dash ends up swallowing the ball before Dine has him chuck it back out.
Genie of The Lunchbox (E43)
Dine and Dash stuff themselves with fish after making a wish from Ird the Bird, who is portrayed as a genie in the segment.
Nature's Call (E51)
In the cold opening of the episode, Dander and Yawp are celebrating their birthday. When they got their birthday cake, they argue about how much they want to get before deciding to eat it together.] [[[Category:Cats]]