Galaxy Express 999
Galaxy Express 999 is an anime TV series based on the manga of the same name originally created by Leiji Matsumoto. The anime was produced by Toei Animation and ran from September 1978 to March 1981 with a total of 113 episodes. The show’s premise takes place in the distant future and follows the journey of a young boy named Tetsuro Hoshiro as he rides a train that travels to various worlds through space known as the Galaxy Express 999 alongside a mysterious woman named Maetel who resembles his late mother.
The Tombstone of Dry Leaves (E21)
After spending some time on a hollow planet with much less gravity, Tetsuro thinks that he and Maetel will soon become round and fat like the planet’s inhabitants if they stay too long.
Idle One's Mirror (E59)
Tetsuro explores Idle One’s Mirror, a planet where all of its inhabitants’ needs are taken care of by machines, which has resulted in the people becoming large, lazy blobs that often out-grow their own houses. Among these people are Saborina and Gudara, a young couple who first arrived on the planet before it was colonized and machines took over their jobs. Saborina wishes to leave the planet with Tetsuro on the 999 while her husband’s laziness eventually leads to him getting too big for their house. Unable to board the 999 despite Tetsuro's protests, Saborina ultimately decides to stay with Gudara with the hope of getting back into shape before the 999 returns one year later.