Courage the Cowardly Dog
Courage the Cowardly Dog is an animated horror/comedy series created by John R Dilworth which aired on Cartoon Network from 1999 to 2002. The show stars Courage, a cowardly dog who lives with Muriel and Eustace Bagg on a farm in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas. In each episode, Courage, Muriel and Eustace encounter numerous supernatural phenomenon from zombies to aliens. Despite being cowardly, Courage must protect his family from dangers.
Heads of Beef (S01E11a)
Courage inflates to imitate Jean Bon's Head of Beef to Eustace before he scares him with his mask.
- Courage inflation 2.png
- Courage inflation 3.png
- IMG 3403.PNG
Human Habtrail (S02E05a)
The Transplant (S02E09b)
Katz Under the Sea (S03E06a)
Angry Nasty People (S03E10b)
Dome of Doom (S03E11a)
When the mutant vegetables are defeated, Eustace eats their remains. His newly gained weight causes him to fall through the floor.
King of Flan (S03E13a)
The entire town of Nowhere is hypnotized by the King of Flan to eat large quantities of flan. Muriel and Eustace are among them and become fat in the process. At the end of the episode, Courage and the King of Flan also gain weight from eating flan after Courage undoes the hypnosis.
Courage Under the Volcano (S03E13b)
Muriel Blows Up (S04E06a)
Courage bloats up after eating a giant carrot out of a giant Muriel.
See also