JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a manga series created by Hirohiko Araki, serialized by Shueisha since 1987. It was adapted to an anime series by David Production in 2012, although it was preceded by a 1993 OVA series by A.P.P.P. The series is split into numerous arcs, each one set in a different time and place and following a generation of the Joestar family. Each member possesses a star-shaped birthmark, the nickname "JoJo," and a destiny of fighting evil. They also use the power of Stands, manifestations of spiritual energy that have different abilities.
Battle Tendency
The Wedding Ring of Death (Volume 8, Chapter 70)
Esidisi of the Pillar Men swallows a stick of dynamite and is unharmed by its explosion.
The Qualities of a Hero (S01E15)
Steel Ball Run
Rules of the Lakeside (2) / The Promised Land: Sugar Mountain (2) (Volume 12, Chapter 46)
To avoid being absorbed into a tree, Johnny and Gyro try to spend all their money by sunset, including having an expensive meal.