Iekei Onna Kishi
Iekei Onna Kishi is a comedy/fantasy manga authored by Sabiku Muramasa and serialized in Dengeki G's Comic by ASCII Media Works. It follows a female knight who is transported from her fantasy-based world into modern-day Japan. There, she is put to work at a ramen restaurant.
Chapters 4-7
The heroine, enjoying the perks of restaurant employment, slowly starts gaining weight over the course of four chapters.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
The heroine has gained some of her weight back. The oni girl lifts her shirt to reveal that she her belly is more flabbier. <Gallery> Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 05.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 06.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 07.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 08.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 09.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 10.jpg Files:iekei-onna-kishi-chapter-7.5 13.jpg
Chapter 9
The heroine, while promoting the restaurant, gains a big belly near the end. <Gallery>