Natural Habitat Shorts
Natural Habitat Shorts is a 3D animated web series created by Brennan Brinkley, Nicole Low, and Tyler Kula. Released on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter, the first short was published on August 10, 2021. Each short is all based on an animal fact and features said animal in a typical person's life. For instance, one episode is based on how bats use echolocation ability to locate objects. In that short, a customer asks a bat store clerk where a product is and the bat finds the item... by screaming. While the shorts are often unrelated to each other, the series does feature recurring characters, locations, and plotlines.
Open Mic
It's open mic night at the Star Mole coffee and a frog with a guitar prepares to sing a love song for his girlfriend. However, He quickly drops guitar and starts croaking instead.
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Listose Intolerant
A continuation of the "Coffee" short, Lisa leaves the cafe and drinks her latte only to find it has whole milk in it. As a hedgehog, her lactose intolerance causes her to literally inflates like a balloon.