Dinosaurs: Terrible Lizards

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Dinosaurs: Terrible Lizards
Dinosaurs terrible lizards.jpg
Genre Comedy
Developer Joel Veitch
Alex Mallinson
David Shute
Production company Rathergood Films
Country United Kingdom
Original run March 17, 2015 - present

Dinosaurs: Terrible Lizards is a computer animated series of shorts created by Joel Veitch, Alex Mallinson and David Shute. Taking the style of a nature documentary, it follows the lives of several dinosaurs in prehistoric times. The dinosaurs themselves have strange designs and moronic behavior. A Netflix series titled Bad Dinosaurs, based on the shorts, is also in production.

The Sky's the Limit (E02)

Janet the Tyrannosaurus lands face-first into a geyser, which then erupts, inflating her with steam and causing her to float upward.