Olliver's Adventures

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Olliver's Adventures
Genre Comedy
Developer Edward Kay
Production company Decode Entertainment
Collideascope Digital
Country Canada
Original run September 3, 2002 - March 20, 2005

Olliver's Adventures is a Canadian television series that first aired in 2002, following a pilot the previous year. The show follows six-year-old Olliver, who uses his imagination to deal with everyday problems by thinking up zany adventures.

The Weakest Don't Think (S01E08c)

Olliver competes with his classmates in a game of intelligence. When tasked with making a grub disappear, Larry chooses to eat it.

Wish Hard (S01E09a)

Olliver uses candy to shake off a goon chasing him.

Raisin a Stink (S01E10a)

Olliver tricks the raisins into hydrating themselves.

What a Pain in the Neck (S01E10b)

Olliver unravels the mummy, revealing his actual body size.

Wolfman Zack (S01E10c)

The Phantom of the Opera gives mouth-to-mouth to an unconscious Trogg.

Jorge-Zilla (S01E12b)

Jorge grows into a giant monster after eating some weird cheese.

Kidsky & Clutch (S01E12c)

Olliver Fast Sledder (S02E01a)

Just before a sled dog race, the dogs of Olliver's Inuit friends are sabotaged by another competitor who overfed them fish. Overfeeding his own dogs is how he lost the last race. Interestingly, his name is "Feeds Dogs Too Much."

Ollie Ollie Odyssey (S02E05a)

The first test in Olliver's odyssey is to defeat the minotaur, which he does by feeding it stomach medicine.

Fooling Father Time (S02E08b)

Jorge eats the turkey that Zoomirax accidently enlarges.

Ollie-Baba (S03E03c)

Olliver, Jorge, and Eugene the genie defeat the monstrous egg salad sandwich by getting it to eat lots of mayonnaise.

Pit Stop (S03E04b)

Olliver has the chickens powering his racecar do ostrich impersonations, which turns them into actual ostriches.

This Little Piggy Had None (S03E05b)

The pigs of Hogtown fatten up Jorge to make him into a new type of sausage so that people will stop eating pork.

Cosmic Cleaner (S03E07a)

A cosmic cockroach eats the old bread Olliver was trying to use to stop the trash compactor.

Coral City (S03E11b)

A pufferfish frees Olliver by inflating inside the clam trapping him.