Bloody Brat
Bloddy Brat (Blood Brat★Blood Lad) is a manga spin-off from Blood Lad created by Yuuki Kodama as writer and Kanata Yoshino as illustrator. The series follows the various situations that happen in the demon world, where we follow the live of demon world boss Blood Staz and his friends. In this fun look behind scenes, where discover more of Staz’s otaku, join to Bell and misadventures in her hunting trips and much more charismatic characters.
A Matter of Import for a Girl (Volumen 1, Chapter 16)
Due to too much junk food, laziness, and abuse her teleportation powers, Hydra Bell gains a lot of weight and she's desperate for finding a magic medicine to help her recover her gorgeous body. Right there, a wise old man explains that thanks to the hard work to find the treasure she has managed to recover her normal size. At home, she realizes that there is still something plump and consumes one of the magic pills that make her recover the weight she lost making her return to the starting point.