Witch Watch
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Witch Watch is a fantasy/romantic comedy manga created by Kenta Shinohara, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since February 2021. It focuses on a teenage witch named Nico Wakatsuki who moves in with her friend Morihito Otogi, an ogre who looks like a human. She plans on making him her familiar in hopes that they will become a couple. They find themselves dealing with many problems, some of which are caused by Nico's magic.
Magically Mighty Momochi (Volume 9, Chapter 72)
Momochi's teleportation magic draws from her body fat, meaning she must eat enough to stay curvy between large uses.
While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will Play! (Volume 9, Chapter 73)
While Morihito is gone for training, Momochi cares for the others and spoils them, causing them to get fat.