Difference between revisions of "User:Misterlucario2005"

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Page i made:
Page i made:
Helluva Boss
Helluva boss
Helluva boss

Revision as of 11:33, 18 December 2023

Page i made:

Helluva boss


Final warning
Door73|Posted on Jan 9 at 2:10 am|

The reason I blocked you in the past is because you repeatedly copied information from other sources when making new pages, which is against the rules. I understand that your writing ability isn't that good, but it's no excuse for plagiarism. If it happens again, I may have to block you permanently. Please try to write in your own words. Maybe practice on your own time if that helps.

Robert|Posted on Jan 9 at 3:46 am|

Sure! I promise I'll be careful!

Robert|Posted on Jan 20 at 3:21 am|

Door, i tried soo much, i know my wiriting is terrible! but i had to kept trying which idk what to do