Turma do Lambe-Lambe

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Turma Lambe Lambe.jpg

Turma do Lambe-Lambe is a series of comics that were published between 1975 and 1984 created by Brazilian artist Daniel Azulay. The series has been known to spin off a TV show and other products over the years. The comics focus on a group of characters, including human children and talking animals who live in the fictional city of Lambelândia in the Amazon rainforest.

Aventura em Poluidópolis (Turma do Lambe-Lamber #2, 1982)

Bufunfa becomes bloated after drinking a huge portion of seawater after his blowhole breaks.

A Pororoca (Turma do Lambe-Lamber #7, 1982)

Bufunfa inhales a large portion of air to inflate the balloon.