Muteking the Dashing Warrior

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Muteking, The Dashing Warrior.jpg

Muteking the Dashing Warrior is an anime TV series created by Tatsunoko Productions and distributed by Fuji Television. The series ran from September 1980 to September 1981 with a total of 56 episodes. When shapeshifting aliens known as the Kurodako Brothers invade Earth, young Rin Yuki meets an interplanetary deputy sheriff named Takoro who is after the renegade aliens. To foil their plans of conquest, Rin, with Takoro’s help, adopts the identity of a superhero named Muteking to defend the planet’s safety.

The series received an Italian dub under the simplified title: Muteking, however only the first episode of the series was ever officially dubbed in English in an unsuccessful attempt to localize the show to the United States.


The Kurodako Brothers invent robotic chairs that force-feed people until they are too full to move. Rin manages to escape his school before he can be stuffed any more.