Little Red Riding Hood

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Carl Larsson - Little Red Riding Hood 1881.jpg

Little Red Riding Hood is a well-known European fairy tale said to have existed since before the 17th century. Its first printed version is credited to Charles Perrault, included in his 1697 story collection known as The Tales of Mother Goose. The version best known today was written by the Brothers Grimm, finalized and published in 1857. It has been told in various ways, especially in books.

The story usually goes as follows: Little Red Riding Hood, a girl who wears a red hood, walks through the forest to bring her grandmother some food. She makes the mistake of telling a wicked wolf what she is doing and where her grandmother lives. The wolf, wanting to eat both of them, reaches the grandmother's house first and swallows her. He then disguises himself as her and waits for Red Riding Hood. When the girl arrives, she starts to notice that something is wrong, but gets eaten by the wolf after he reveals himself. Perrault's version ends there, but the Brothers Grimm version continues with a woodcutter/huntsman finding the wolf, cutting him open, and rescuing the victims.

Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!


This retelling, written by Trisha Speed Shaskan and illustrated by Gerald Guerlais, tells the story from the wolf's side. He is a vegetarian who loves apples, but has run out of food and is starving. He eats Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, who were quite vain, out of desperation.

Little Red Riding Hood (Ladybird Tales)


Retold by Vera Southgate and illustrated by Marina Le Ray.

Other adaptations