
From The Big Cartoon Wiki
Revision as of 22:24, 26 October 2019 by TheOriginalFYCFMod (talk | contribs)
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Self-portrait subject to change.

Yes, I'm the person behind the original wiki. You know me, the gal whose cinema-going record is 200 first-time trips in a year, who has appeared on almost every social network in existence, hates Steven Universe with a burning passion, can no longer draw to save her life and is currently in the process of setting her inner woman free. I'll just check up here from time to time, maybe even submit some content!

Why I'm so into this stuff

Ever since I was a child and nearing the age of 10, I for some reason found the whole "cartoons bloating up" gig to be fascinating, whether it be the scene from Tweety's High-Flying Adventure in which Tweety rolls like a ball and knocks out cats as if they were skittles or that scene in Medabots. I even had cartoons of my own imagination, one with an episode called "Fatty Fat Fat". Sometimes I would even draw characters getting fat.

The inspiration I took from Sitting Ducks.

One day, while searching for stuff about all the bizarre things that happened to Dexter in Dexter's Laboratory, I came across a website where I knew I was not alone. Throughout the years I continued to draw fatness, even taking inspiration from the Sitting Ducks book, and when I stumbled across somebody's expansion artwork in 2006, I knew I really wasn't alone. A year later I found out that this was a fetish, which I found weird at first but over the years it turns out that I was becoming more and more attracted to fat girls than I ever thought possible. I started a Yahoo group about my interest in late 2008.

Some time in the 2010's, I visited two groups called WeightGain Central, which kept moving to various group sites, and Cartoon Gluttony, which has been a Yahoo group for a decade. When WGCentral started moderating pictures, I lost my patience and started a whole blog on Tumblr where I could share every single cartoon expansion I could find, male or female (girls weren't allowed). This year, it has become a Wiki that you can help expand. It's great to know that I'm not alone in this fanbase for such a stupid obsession.

Gallery of cartoon crushes

Where else to find me